take back program

What is a Take Back Program?
A Take Back Program is an initiative organized by a manufacturer, to collect used materials from consumers and reintroduce them to the original manufacture cycle. Typically implemented to minimize product end-of-life waste and reduce environmental impacts.
Our business (and personal) goals are to do everything we can to minimize our carbon foot print, and lessen the waste resulting from our products once they have reached the end of their life span. This is the least we can do.
How do I participate?
- Collect empty glass or tin containers of Sebesta Apothecary products.
- Drop the empty containers off
- When you see us at a scheduled event
- Select retail locations:
- In the Sebesta Apothecary Lab's Order Pick-up Box in NE Minneapolis (DM for address)
- Let us know! Email/DM to tell us how awesome you are
- We will send over a coupon code to save on your next order or credit points to your account!
Yep! Add a note to your order and we will supply a return label, carefully pack jars and tin in the box and mail back to us. Once received you will receive that discount!
But, what items specifically can I give back to you?
- All empty tins
- All empty vials, lids and roller balls
- All empty sprayer, dropper for refill bottles
Can you accept other brand's containers?
No, unfortunately at this point we can only take back containers from Sebesta Apothecary products.
What do you do with the empty containers?
- Remove product and labels
- Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize
- Reuse
Let's do what we can to reduce waste!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead